Steve and Alan talk with University of Nebraska-Lincoln professor Glenn Nierman about authentic assessment in the K-12 music classroom.
Referenced in This Episode:
- Brophy, T. S.. (2000). Assessing the developing child musician: A guide for general music teachers. G.I.A. Publications.
- Duke, R. A. (2005). Intelligent music teaching. Austin, TX: Learning and Behavior Resources.
- Nierman, G. E., Nierman, A. J., & Pearson, B. (2010). Eye-Hand coordination as a factor in the success of beginning instrumentalists. In T. Brophy (Ed.), The practice of assessment in music education: Frameworks, models, and designs: Proceedings of the 2009 Florida International Symposium on Assessment in Music Education, (pp. 323-334). GIA Publications, Inc.
- Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (2nd ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.
Dr. Glenn E. Nierman (BM, Washburn; MM & DME, Cincinnati), U.S. National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Past President, is currently the Distinguished Glenn Korff Professor of Music Education, as well as Associate Director, at the Glenn Korff School of Music, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has authored numerous journal articles, made presentations at NAfME National Conferences, and given addresses at ISME World Congresses on five continents. Dr. Nierman is a former member of the ISME Executive Board (2012-2016) and has served on the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of the Council of Research in Music Education.