Alan and Steve have a fun and free-ranging conversation with conductor, clinician, speaker, author, adventurer and advocate Milt Allen about priorities, the relevance of music education, and anxiety.
Links & References:
Books: Music, Artistry and Education, Teaching Music in a New Age
Dr. Milt Allen
Dr. Milt Allen has worked with hundreds of schools, community groups and organizations, reaching thousands of students, directors and community members during his career. He is often described as
being one of the most creative, innovative, inspiring and non-traditional music educators today. Conductor, clinician, speaker, author and tireless advocate on behalf of music education, his passion for reaching more musicians at a grass-roots level includes extensive experiences in both public schools and universities in addition to founding a non-profit: The Music Guerrilla, which works with underfunded/underserviced programs in Rwanda, Zambia, Haiti and Compton, CA as well as other schools across the United States. Milt brings a rare perspective to his role. His cross-genre music interests effectively combine with previous teaching positions in rural/suburban, large/small and public/parochial environments to create a truly unique ability to connect to those he serves. His experiences range from teaching beginning instrumentalists in a boiler room to premiering new works at the university level, to working with young African musicians learning to play an instrument. Yet always, from Glasgow, Scotland, to Zambia, Africa, and at regional, state, national, and international conferences, Milt’s humor, passion, and experience combine to illuminate the possibilities of both music and the live art of performance. Dr. Allen is
sponsored by Meredith Music, a division of GIA and Jupiter Music.
Show Notes